Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Heavens Night Light

 by Kim J. Moon

Warm breezes softly caress my face as I gaze upon the evening sky.

Searching the endless heavens hoping to find answers to questions I have yet to ask.

Against the unending backdrop of stars I see an orange Moon as it slowly rises up from the horizon,

Quietly beginning its nightly sojourn across the darkening sky.

Timeless, yet ever vigilant, it stands guard for my tomorrows.

An evening protector, faithful in its friendship,

Always there when I look for it, never wanting or needing me.

Quiet company, listening to my dreams, my hopes, my fears.

Catching my yearnings in its moonbeams, casting light on my evening darkness,

Never critical, it paves the way for my new days journey.

Sometimes white, not orange, sometimes only partially awake, always faithful..

A friend forever when I have none.

When I wish upon a star, it is the orange moon that carries my message to the heavens

Always guarding my dreams as I sleep...

Goodnight old friend....timekeeper of the dark

Thank you for my tomorrow.....

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